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The Thalun Family

The Thalun Family

Choosing a new school is a very important decision, and we appreciate the fact that you are considering Thalun. We are a PKG to 12 independent international school. Currently, we have 187 students representing 6 nationalities and 42 teachers from 7 countries. As an international school, it is very important to recognize and appreciate our host culture. One of our international parents phrased it best when she said “I hope that when we one day leave Myanmar, my children have been enriched by the the time they have spent in Myanmar. I do not want them to look back at a generic educational experience, having missed out on what the culture has to offer.”
Thalun Ahlone Staff
Thalun Golden Valley Staff

Thalun offers:

  • Small class sizes (our classes are capped at a maximum of 20 students)
  • A multicultural learning environment with respect and appreciation for Myanmar culture
  • A rigorous and challenging academic program that is balanced with a variety of sport and art
  • A faculty dedicated to teaching and learning, and the individual support for students

Thalun has:

  • Reviewed and restructured its curriculum in 2018-23 to ensure a clear progression of skills and knowledge based on international educational standards (AERO), NGSS next-generation science standards.
  • A clear focus on supporting the social and emotional development of students through specific curricula
  • A safe and warm campus where all staff, faculty, students and parents know each other and provide support through collaboration and an act of compassion and empathy.